Esmakordselt mainitakse hoonestust Tallinna vanades ürikutes juba 14. sajandil.
Kaupmees Johan Hopner, kelle auks hoonekompleks praegu Hopneri Maja nime kannab, sai majaperemeheks aastal 1662. aastal.
The house, which was named after its former owner, merchant Johan Hopner, is one of the best preserved examples of medieval residential buildings in Tallinn. The first part of the complex of buildings, formerly known as Matkamaja, was built more than 700 years ago as a tower house. “A register of the owners of the shops built next to the tower house was kept from 1352,” says Head of Tallinn City Centre Aini Härm. “Merchant Johan Hopner bought the tower house in 1662, and he also acquired the shop in 1665.”
Seni Matkamaja nime all tuntud hoonekompleksi esimene osa ehitati enam kui seitsesada aastat tagasi tornelamuna. “Tornmaja kõrvale rajatud poodide omanike registrit peeti 1352. aastast. 1662. aastal ostis tornmaja kaupmees Johan Hopner, kes omandas 1665. aastal ka poe-maja,” selgitas Aini Härm.